If I’m Nuts, You Should Be Too

Am I a nutjob? A whacko? Am I one of those people that you roll your eyes at to your friends after I walk away?

I understand that my methods of communicating my perspectives are sometimes melodramatic and inflammatory, but for the most part these things are meant only to emphasize a point. When I say that I think we should inspect every newborn for genetic defects and discard them if they do (300-style), I do not seriously think that we should do that. I am merely illustrating a point that coddling and elevating people with ‘weak’ genes leads the downfall of the human race. It is a vivid and offensive painting with the deeper meaning beneath it that is meant to inspire critical thought and conversation about the subject. It is not meant to inspire retard baby-tossing.


That being said, my ideas about politics and religion are off the beaten path. I take pride in that as a creative and free-thinking American. Does having original ideas make you crazy? When these ideas are intended to better the quality of life of the entire state/country/world are they any less admirable than the business-as-usual approach?

Recently, the media has been launching an elevated campaign against Libertarians, Moderate Republicans, and Ron Paul Supporters. The media has never given any of these groups a fair spotlight in my lifetime, but it seems that these groups are now the metaphor of choice when it comes to pointing out sensationalist illogical behavior. On top of that, they keep implying that people who support Ron Paul are racist because he is always accused of being one. Does this mean that everyone who voted for Obama is against gay marriage just because he is?


You don’t hire politicians (i.e. vote for them) so they can be made up nice and pretty for the cameras and be living soap operas. You hire a politician to do a job on your behalf. It doesn’t matter what that politician does in their private life as long as they get their job done everyday. If they don’t do their job, you fire their asses. If they cheat on their wives and still show up to work everyday to do their job, what the fuck do you care? You are not in his family. You are not his gay lover. Even if you discover the outspoken anti-gay politician having a secret gay affair, that should still not matter to you at all as long as he uses his votes to further your ideals. Even if he doesn’t follow your ideals in his own life, your tax dollars are being earned.


So while my vote may go to Ron Paul in 2012, it does not mean that I think he’s a perfect human being. It means I trust him to do what I think is right for America. I never thought I would praise the voters of Texas for something, but there ay go. Don’t talk down to me just because I don’t pander to anyone else’s views in my voting booth or my blog. Don’t generalize me with a group of internet junkies that endlessly scour YouTube for conspiracy theories. I am an Independent American Voter and I deserve respect.

My opinion is just as sane as the fundamentalist that votes for whoever says “God” more in their campaign speeches or the PETA woman that thinks that calling fish sea kittens would make everyone eat less of them. If you want to find crazy voters, you don’t have to look that far. So don’t take a credible and new approach to politics and strip it down to its most ignorant member until you’re willing to do it for your own party (Fox and NBC).

Are these views really that crazy?


Pro: Economic Reform

I think Income Tax is an abomination. One of the first things you learn about law and economics is:

If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it.

As a recently unemployed American, I can’t help but laugh at how wrong the current system is. The government charges me about 20-25% of my paycheck for me to work, but when I don’t work they hand me $400 a week. I would have waited tables for 6 months instead of being unemployed if the Income Tax and Unemployment were gone. I still haven’t decided what the best way to do away with this egregious injustice to every working American, but so far my favorite option is The Fair Tax. It taxes spending far more and income far less. It would also be far easier for people in poverty to improve their lot.

Using this method would encourage people to work hard, save money, and spend wisely. As a side bonus, the sales taxes could be weighted to encourage public health. Surely this would be a very difficult adjustment for us to make as a nation, but I think it is necessary. Establishing the IRS and all the Income Tax laws was far more jarring and unwelcome than this should be. Please check it out and post what you think of it. I could write an entire article about this if anyone is interested also.


Pro: Marijuana Legalization

It still just doesn’t make sense when you look at the FACTS. Marijuana is NOT addictive. It does NOT endanger the people around you. The smell is repulsive (to me) and I find people who smoke to much of it to be annoying, but the product itself is innocent. You could say the same thing for The Bible, and yet no one has outlawed that. I’m not even going to try to go into the whole ‘hemp is the best material ever’ thing.


Pro: Gradual Health Reform

The healthcare system obviously needs to be fixed, but we don’t need to write an 1100 page bill to do it. If we could slice that bill up into multiple pieces that are passed on their own, there would be a lot less debate and a lot more action going on right now. I would also prefer as little responsibility for my health relying on the government as possible of course. I’ve written before about my thoughts on Healthcare, so I won’t detail my stance further than that.


Against: Foreign Wars

A pre-emptive strike is an invasion. I do not want my tax dollars going towards the U.S. invading thread world countries. I do not want my several friends in the military’s lives to be at risk so Haliburton’s stock rises another5 points. My life here in the U.S. has only been negatively impacted since the War on Terror began.


Against: Invasion of Privacy and Fear Tactics

I’m more terrified of having everyone at the airport see my girlfriend’s breasts in a full body scanner than I am of being killed by a terrorist. Do what you have to do within the laws and ideals of the United States to keep me safe, but don’t tell me about the constant looming threat of apocalypse. I’d rather live my life in ignorant care-free bliss until the communist muslim illegal alien atheist zombie army rises up and kills me than have to hear about it every day for 10 more years. To re-iterate: Yes, I would rather have doom happen than have to be warned about it constantly.

* There are several other issues that I have an opinion on, like Gay Marriage and Abortion, but I don’t vote with those because they do not directly affect my life as an American citizen.

Most people I meet have similar or the same views on these topics. Why am I the crazy one? Because I actually vote for the person who I think can get them done? You’re the crazy ones…

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”
– Albert Einstein
“Insanity: voting for Democrats and Republicans over and over again and expecting different results”
– Corry Frydlewicz