There are hundreds of things that women look for in a man. Each woman may prioritize them differently, but given enough time they could write an Encyclopedia Britannica of things that they want in a man. Quite frankly, those things just aren’t who we are.
Read it Now!Category: Personal
How long will we allow our country to be seen as warmongers, war profiteers, and murderers? There’s no end in sight from this point of view… unless we pull off the blindfolds of the mainstream media.
Read it Now!Several people have weighed in with their thoughts on Final Fantasy XIII. I was one of the first ‘normal citizens’ in the U.S. to finish the game and I’ve finally come to terms with my feelings about it.
Read it Now!The environmentalist movement may be full of morons and hippies, but there are some merits to caring about the environment. My biggest concern in my own life and the lives of my family and friends is Quality of Life. Having a safe, healthy place to live is absolutely paramount in one’s quality of life.
Read it Now!Am I a nutjob? A whacko? Am I one of those people that you roll your eyes at to your friends after I walk away? My ideas may be different than most people’s, but are they really that crazy?
Read it Now!If you talk to anyone under the age of 50, they will likely tell you that voting doesn’t matter, or that their vote doesn’t (or wouldn’t) count for anything. Some of them think that the polls are rigged. Others think the ballots are just flat-out ignored.
Read it Now!Many people believe in the existence of souls. The soul is described as: “1.) The principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.” […]
Read it Now!There are no concrete rules or laws that should be followed no matter what. Each person has their own set of values that they take seriously. The rest is just things they do (or don’t do) to avoid some form of external consequence.
Read it Now!I do not know much. There is so much knowledge in this world that human beings have had over our time here and I know less than 1% of it. I’m also certain that humans as a whole have never known even 1% of what there is to know.
Read it Now!Everywhere I look I see extremists. So many people are so sure that they are right and unwilling to compromise at all. These same people also think that others who disagree with them are stupid. I have yet to find a single fact of life or argument that only has two options, but all I ever see is people arguing 2 points.
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