Category: Philosophy

I’ve been considering Christmas lately, and what my part in it should be. I’m not Christian and I generally am very anti-corporate, so the usual way I celebrate seems a bit counter-intuitive.

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As an artist and self-proclaimed peaceful freedom fighter, I cling to my first amendment rights. This is not because I believe the right to free speech is powerful enough to protect me. It is because my belief that this right SHOULD be powerful enough.

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The modern world has made the concept of ownership a fact of life. From the moment we’re born we are indoctrinated with the ideas of what is yours and what is mine and the terrible twos are when we generally fall in love with the concept of “mine!” Some people developed further into that aspect […]

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How long will we allow our country to be seen as warmongers, war profiteers, and murderers? There’s no end in sight from this point of view… unless we pull off the blindfolds of the mainstream media.

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Categories: Politics

The environmentalist movement may be full of morons and hippies, but there are some merits to caring about the environment. My biggest concern in my own life and the lives of my family and friends is Quality of Life. Having a safe, healthy place to live is absolutely paramount in one’s quality of life.

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Am I a nutjob? A whacko? Am I one of those people that you roll your eyes at to your friends after I walk away? My ideas may be different than most people’s, but are they really that crazy?

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Categories: Politics

If you talk to anyone under the age of 50, they will likely tell you that voting doesn’t matter, or that their vote doesn’t (or wouldn’t) count for anything. Some of them think that the polls are rigged. Others think the ballots are just flat-out ignored.

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Categories: Politics

Many people believe in the existence of souls. The soul is described as: “1.) The principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.” […]

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