007 Agent Under Fire (James Bond) Guide

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007 Agent Under Fire is a highly underrated first-person shooter, even among Bond games. Here’s a quick guide to get you through every aspect of the game.

Level Bonuses


Level NameGold Bonus ConditionsPlatinum Bonus Conditions
Gold RewardPlatinum Reward
Trouble In Paradise$50,000$50,000 + 4/4 007s
Golden GunMP Map – Rocket Manor
Precious Cargo$50,000$50,000 + 6/6 007s
Golden CH-6MP Game Mode – Golden Gun
Dangerous Pursuit$70,000$70,000 + 5/5 007s
Unlimited MissilesMP Model – Stealth Bond
Bad Diplomacy$70,000$70,000 + 4/4 007s
Golden AccuracyMP Powerup – Gravity Boots
Cold Reception$90,000$90,000 + 7/7 007s
Golden ClipMP Model – Guard
Night Of The Jackal$90,000$90,000 + 4/4 007s
Gold GrenadesMP Weapon – Viper
Streets Of Bucharest$100,000$100,000 + 6/6 007s
Lotus EspritMP Model – Alpine Guard
Fire & Water$100,000$100,000 + 8/8 007s
Rapid FireMP Weapon – Calypso
Forbidden Depths$110,000$110,000 + 4/4 007s
Golden ArmorMP Modifier – Full Arsenal
Poseidon$120,000$120,000 + 5/5 007s
Golden BulletsMP Model – Cyclops Oil Guard
Mediterranean Crisis$130,000$130,000 + 9/9 007s
Regenerative ArmorMP Model – Poseidon Guard
Evil Summit$130,000$130,000 + 6/6 007s
Unlimited AmmoMP Model- Carrier Guard

Bond Moves And 007 Locations

Trouble In Paradise

Bond Moves:

  1. Open 1st decryption door before going to the roof
  2. Q-claw to the roof at the start of the level
  3. Open decryption near 1st bad guy
  4. Open armory door (1st bad guy has keycard – you must punch him)
  5. Open padlocked gate with laser
  6. Shoot canister on back of forklift truck
  7. Shoot rope holding up crate in the air straight after 6

007 Tokens:

  1. Along walkway of entrance roof (start of level)
  2. Jump onto crates near 2nd bad guy, near padlocked gate
  3. Left hand side of cultivation area where lights are out
  4. Before Gantry with sniper, left of the stairs at the start of section


After blowing up the Barrel on the Forklift and taking out the enemy behind the box, duck behind the stack of boxes where the armor is and let the guards run right by. This way, you can keep your Accuracy and Ammo Efficiency up, or, you can snipe the last guard in the head and boost them.

Precious Cargo

Bond Moves:

  1. Shoot man out of 1st chopper
  2. Shoot wheels from bad car
  3. Shoot wheels from van
  4. Shoot wheels from bad car
  5. Shoot wheels from bad car
  6. Shoot wheels from bad car
  7. At the 3 way blockade, shoot barrels to the right to kill the men
  8. At the petrol pump blockade shoot the guy from the chopper…
  9. …Then shoot the pump in the background garage
  10. Shoot barrels in between the 2 men on the left in the final building
  11. Shoot the next 2 rocket launcher men on the gantry infront
  12. Shoot barrels near forklift truck on the right in the last room
  13. Drop container on generator

007 Tokens:

  1. Shoot roadblock of 2 cars before you turn left
  2. After 3-way blockade, shoot down chopper (fast)
  3. Shoot down lone gunman on the right after driving through the park, before a right turn
  4. Shoot man above entrance to final building
  5. Shoot large pillar type structure in middle of stop with men on catwalks with rocket launcher
  6. Shoot last 3 fans to the right in final building after 2 rocket launcher guys on gantry


Do not use the CH-4 on the fans for the last 007, the KA-57 will work best. The rockets always find a way to hit the pillars.

Dangerous Pursuit

Bond Moves:

  1. Shoot a rocket at barrels just left of first cars
  2. Shoot lone barrel down on the far right of the warehouse dock to kill the men
  3. Destroy the petrol pump along the left roads to kill the man
  4. Use Q-smoke on a bad guy car
  5. Q-pulse the van 1st attempt, without van getting damage

007 Tokens:

  1. Turn arround straight away and token is at end of alley
  2. Shoot lone crate after first blockade – token inside
  3. Keep to your left and keep going until you reach large blue building with overhang, token is inside
  4. Carry on left still and just after the blue building, you will see pump station you blew up earlier on the right hand side, token is behind it
  5. Keep left still and eventually you will see a token on the left, after a phone box


Pick up at least one extra Q-Pulse. If you miss the first one, and you didn’t pick up an extra, chances are, you won’t be able to find one in time.

Bad Diplomacy

Bond Moves:

  1. Open wall hatch to 1st trip wire after kitchen, on the left side (use glasses) and cut wires with laser
  2. 2nd trip wire opposite open window, wall hatch is onthe right (use glasses)
  3. Open secret door (use glasses) in left wall near lockeddoor
  4. Use Q-claw to get to 2nd floor (not ladder)
  5. Open 1st door to the right on the 2nd floor where Malprave is and the keycard
  6. Kill Griffin clone using your bare hands
  7. 3rd trip wire (moving) you know the drill – righthand side hatch

007 Tokens:

  1. In the file room at the and of ground floor, near darts
  2. On top of balcony 1st floor – turn left out of lift near flags
  3. After 2nd trip wire open secret door in left wall (use glasses)near locked door
  4. Behind glass showcases full of urns, after Griffin


You can use 1 dart to take out any guard but remember you canget double points if you use your bare hands, if you need the points.

Cold Reception

Bond Moves:

  1. Get keycard from the door behind in the main room (you can leave this until after no.2)
  2. Laser padlocked grate through the right hand door ofthe main room
  3. Use keycard on data port switch to disable alarms (port in wall in mainframe room opposite way in)
  4. Photograph rig model in mainframe room (far side of room near exit)
  5. Q-claw up into 2nd high duct (after lift, look above door for 1st, 2nd is just after)
  6. Kill a bad guy by shooting a steam valve off (red circular handle)
  7. Get security door program
  8. Use Security door program

007 Tokens:

  1. Through left hand door of main room
  2. In circular room enter 2nd set of ducts through grate
  3. Start of mainframe room just right of stairs
  4. Q-claw up into 2nd high duct…
  5. …and carry on all the way and shoot the barrel out the other side, drop down
  6. After blast doors, jump from the second small level ofthe stairs to the water container nearby (this is a bit tricky, use the post of the railings)
  7. Behind a water container near ladders on the ground floor


The three buttons in the 1st room on by each computer open the respective doors. When looking at the computers, the left one is a dead end, but has the 007 token in it, the central one(behind) has the keycard and exit, yet you do not need to open this one. The right one is the only one you really need to venture into 1st time round. Open the doors at the beginning, one at a time ignoring the middle one, using the buttons on the desks. The quieter you do this part of the level (no alarms) using fists or silencer the easier, Especially when working your way round the rooms.

Night Of The Jackal

Bond Moves:

  1. Jump into balcony of 2nd sniper near safehouse
  2. Enter Bonds safehouse
  3. Q-claw to embassy
  4. Save hostages
  5. Open secret door (Union Jack)
  6. Save Damescu
  7. Knock Jackal into vat
  8. Sniper chopper pilot

007 Tokens:

  1. In shop window, use car to jump in, on the right past the embassy from the start
  2. 2nd Sniper balcony jump from Q-claw location
  3. In room to right of 2nd lone hostage
  4. Embassy roof near chopper, behind crates straight ahead


Shoot the scenery behind the Jackal to get her to movefaster, When its used up just shoot her as fast as you can, don’t hide too long as she will grenade you, keep moving and she wont be a problem. After doing enough damage she will end up above the vat with a crane arm behind her. Push the button to the right of the room (ground floor) near the crates to push her into the vat.

Streets Of Bucharest

Bond Moves:

  1. Shoot both choppers down at train station
  2. Jump broken bridge
  3. Use oil slick on 1 bad car
  4. After getting chip hit sign and travel on 2 wheelsin between cars
  5. Complete jump stunt
  6. (Tank) In open yard shoot barrels to the left
  7. (Tank) Shoot down 1st chopper
  8. (Tank) Shoot down 2nd chopper over bridge
  9. (Tank – night vision) near end there is a stationary car and 2 men, shoot barrels to the left. Sometimes, they are hard to see.

007 Tokens:

  1. Where the road splits in two, in between roads near bridge
  2. At the train station – go all the way right along the tracks
  3. Take the shortcut to the left after jumping the broken bridge
  4. After getting chip go fast to get the token in midair
  5. (In Tank) Shoot both red vans after 2nd chopper
  6. (In Tank) Next shoot both red choppers


Having problems with the Q-boost ? Make sure you activate it before the ramp / stairs and don’t hit anything which could slow you down, aim for the center of the ramp and you should sail right over the river and cue the cut scene. This isn’t hard, double boosting is not needed. As soon as you pick up the boost change your weapon to it so your ready for the jump. Stick to shells for vehicles and minigun for men, to keep your ACC and EFF up. Just change your weapon as you do in 1st person To take out the final train on the bridge above the tanks, change your weapon to tank shells and shoot the red canister car of the train.

Fire & Water

Bond Moves:

  1. Get crane program with remote
  2. Use crane program on crane 1, 1st meeting of Bloch
  3. Unlock door from crane room
  4. After 1st padlocked gate (2nd meeting of Bloch), open the grate to your left.
  5. Going through the left duct operate crane 2…
  6. …and then crane 3
  7. Open the one on the right too
  8. Sniper pilot from 1st chopper
  9. Once in the pump room use Q-claw to get to the right hand gantry
  10. Use Q-claw to get across to 2nd snipers platform near hook line
  11. Use crane program to drop platform on other side of rig
  12. Sniper pilot from 2nd chopper
  13. Climb last part of level using Q-claw instead of Q-jet

007 Tokens:

  1. Shoot 1st barrel in front of you when you leave the padlocked crane room
  2. Follow the left grate duct, its on a crate in the next room
  3. After getting across crane crates the token is at the base of crane 2
  4. From there go to the far left corner of the rig, underneath the door Bloch escapes from
  5. Inside pump room, ground level far right side – behind ladder on crates
  6. As you exit the top of the pump room the token is behind barrels on your right
  7. Also on ahead and to the left, underneath far snipers platform – crouch to get it
  8. At the top of the lift near helicopter ambush, shoot barrels to the right, token is behind crates


Personally I think this one was the hardest to get gold, I put it on hardest difficulty and using the golden gun only, got head shots as much as i could, skip the majority of the outside rig as detailed below then the only hard bit is the pump room. Keep away from using machine guns if you can and as soon as you can sniper do it. You can ignore the chopper at the end and just make a run for it. When getting across crane crates – lower crane 2 and run onto it, then raise it and lower crane 3 and run onto that, then raise 3 and jump over barrier. To skip a chunk of the level to get your time down go straight through the right grate after the padlocked gate then up and around the gantry, just run and press the button at the end to open the door to the pump room. Ignore any men that are not directly in front of you. You dont need to shoot bloch ever, just try and get close to him and he will run away. When you have activated the pumps in the orange room inside the rig, (by pressing the butt n in the control room) you will see them going up and down like a see-saw, jet up to middle of one of the two and make you way to the end (either side) then as your end is lower jump onto the larger part on the tip, turn around and at the top, shoot the barrels / forklift truck / spare men through the hole in the ceiling. At its highest, you can jump over the railings to get to the top level. Keep an eye out for crane program uses (green glow) to make snipers fall from their perches.

Forbidden Depths

Bond Moves:

  1. At 1st stop, shoot the two men to your left in the control part, a panel opens. Shoot the red light / switch
  2. At 2nd stop shoot barrels on right side to kill men
  3. Destroy all 3 fans
  4. Shoot both steam switches

007 Tokens:

  1. Before 2nd entry into glass tunnel (water outside) shoot 2 men on level above-in a red room
  2. After 2nd stop there are another 2 men above to shoot in a red room
  3. Shoot all mines Bloch puts down
  4. I have used the CH6 to destroy all transport vehicles and caused as much damage to Bloch as possible to finally get it (as well as destroying turrets) – the token will appear before the 1st fan. Just keep trying.


To get the CH6 at the 1st stop, shoot the blue screen facing you and the one behind – it will drop near the armor. At the 2nd shoot the 2 blue screens in front. This is great for destroying vehicles. Make sure you destroy the fans / switches early to get your bonus. In the large circular room, shoot the three men surronding it, then shoot Bloch until he retreats – the three men reappear with missile launchers, kill them and pinch their weapons. Make sure you change your weapon to the remote missile launcher. If you were like me and never bothered to read the instruction book! just to let you know, you can control the missiles at the boss after firing them. I finished it just by aiming and letting it rip, it was tougher! Sorry, some of you are still not sure how to handle this, You are aiming for the three parts of the structure that support it to the roof, they have a red glow(lights) to them, when the cut scene shows the fan stop turning it will focus on the supports fora second. You need to shoot your missile towards the fan but get in between to hit the structure supports, (like red beacons) when you destroy the first one, you will be treated to a cut scene confirming your hitting the right spots. Just hurry to make sure the heat doesn’t kill you. If you think you are going to miss with the remote missiles you can detonate them mid flight by pressing fire again.


Bond Moves:

  1. Padlocked grate at start
  2. Get Chemical Regulator Program
  3. Get System Pressure Program
  4. Get Temperature Control Program
  5. Activate autogun button to kill bad guys
  6. Use Chemical Regulator Program
  7. Use System Pressure Program
  8. Use Temperature Control Program
  9. Activate Sub bridge in pen

007 Tokens:

  1. Open fan grate at start of level (not air duct)
  2. When you enter program room, look to your right
  3. In the reactor room with autoguns, it is just round the back of the stairs
  4. At the beggining of the sub pen, open door to the right where armor is
  5. On the left side of sub pen when you reach far end – go round left corner behind barrels / or under stairs through grate


Rush into the autogun room and round into the control room to activate the autoguns before they do, to get the bonus. People are still having a problem with this – so as soon as you enter the room, run down the stairs and to the left, follow the corridor round to the right to get into the control room (with a single man in) and shoot him before he presses the button near the window. Then press it yourself – this activates the trip lasers on the floor. The two guards outside will then walk over these and get shot by the autoguns. The button is on a timer so it will deactivate itself after a set period so you can venture outside.

Mediterranean Crisis

Bond Moves:

  1. Unlock grate in 2nd cell
  2. Use Q-claw to get above flight deck (back route)
  3. Get harrier program
  4. Stay along back route and open padlocked gate
  5. Use Q-claw again a long back route to get further along
  6. Use harrier program
  7. Use Q-claw to get into control room
  8. Sniper chopper pilot
  9. Get rocket program
  10. Instead of shooting bad guys to save Zoe, drop down the hole near the crates, cut padlocked grate and press button (then shoot barrels)
  11. Activate rocket program
  12. Sniper end chopper pilot (don’t have much time)

007 Tokens:

  1. In front of you as you start
  2. In the brig – 1st cell
  3. In the duct from brig all the way down to briefing room
  4. In the grate to the right, near 1st bio-suit bad guy – the way to back route
  5. Near last Q-claw location, back route
  6. Up 1st set of stairs, near 2nd harrier across from sniper
  7. At bottom of stairway, where grenades are thrown down
  8. Below hole, behind crates near Zoe
  9. Behind barrels near Zoe


Take the back route to skip most of the initial level and to make it easier. Make full use of air ducts.

Evil Summit

Bond Moves:

  1. Open padlocked chest in control room to right (level start)
  2. Get Hatch Program from left tower
  3. Use hook line to get from left tower to right
  4. Use hook line to get from right tower to control room
  5. Use Hatch Program on hatch in middle gantry
  6. Laser cut the ceiling support in the middle of the gantry surrounded room
  7. Rescue French Prime Minister (Silo 1)
  8. Rescue German Chancellor (Silo 2)
  9. Rescue UK Prime Minister (Silo 3)
  10. Rescue US President (Silo 4)

007 Tokens:

  1. Behind left tower at the top
  2. Behind right tower at the top
  3. Top of gantry room middle (near ceiling support)
  4. Bottom of Silo 1
  5. Right hand path when you enter Silo 2
  6. At bottom of Silo 4


Shoot the enemy underneath the middle gantry from the side. You can get him through the window when you’re at the bottom of one of the towers. Try to ignore the 20+ enemies coming out of the shack after you get the Hatch Program. Just run straight for the Hatch and get down there as fast as you can. As long as you are good with your ammo, you can use the Sniper Rifle all the way through. Plus, this way, you can get MUCH better scores. At the Silos, pick off the terrorists one at a time with the Sniper Rifle. After the first shot, they’ll start after you.

If you use the Sniper Rifle, you can kill Bloch in only 4 good head shots. Just wait for him to reload or aim where he’s going to land. Just make sure you run like Hell after you shoot, cuz a rocket’s headed your way. When he’s done, he’ll blast through the vault on the top floor and fly through. Follow him with the Q-Jet and Q-Claw. Just jet to the fallen platform and grapple from it. When you come through the door, you’ll be in Malprave’s office, use the Rocket Launcher that magically appeared in your hands to shoot Bloch down.

Multiplayer Level Secrets


Golden Gun: Center of middle floor

Golden Bullets: Head towards cells, righthand corridor


You can open the middle cell. To do this, face the cell before the pillars, then turn left and push the brick in the wall.

There are some barrels against the hole in the wall around the eastern side of the level. Shoot them to get into the hole.


Golden Gun: Near crates / ladder with access to rooves

Golden Bullets: Opposite side of gap in floor for lower level, from the GG


To get to the balcony, go around one of the ramps. You will see some crates and a ladder. Hop the crates, climb up the ladder, and run all the way around to get to the balcony. You can pick off an opponent or two from here without much chance of getting hit.

Wine Cellar

Golden Gun: Corridor adjacent to trapped one, furthest away from compressor

Golden Bullets: Near compressor edge


You can get on top of the chandelier-looking things. There is a switch in the shape of a boat’s steering wheel nearby. Flip it, and the chandelier will come down. You can hop on it for a sniper point AND it will crush anyone in the pit below it.

On one of the chandeliers, you can access a secret passage once you get up there. (You can use the Q-Jet or Q-Claw to get there, too)

The opposite side from the secret hole is an area with a weapon in it. Be careful, look up when you get in there. If you really want to pick it up, run back out ASAP afterwards.

Red Sector

Golden Gun: Near start of floor pipes, near dual valves on left

Golden Bullets: Follow pipes after right turn look right


Elevators can boost you up to the upper level. They look like elevators with tile floors.


Golden Gun: In the courtyard

Golden Bullets: Down the steps near frontdoor at the courtyard


The Q-Claw is alot of fun here. Look for the powerup on the ledge.

Cooling Station

Golden Gun: In the central room with 4 doors on each level

Golden Bullets: Lower floor, far left and right rooms from Golden Gun


Nothing too interesting. Some elevators and sniper spots…


Golden Gun: In underground area, in junction corridor

Golden Bullets: In large room without hole in the floor


Q-Jet and Q-Claw through windows for shortcuts.

Q-Claw is fun to “web-sling” (like Spiderman) here


Golden Gun: In straight blue underground pipe tunnel

Golden Bullets: After Golden Gun, go straight up ladder, near 2nd ladder to gantry


There’s a powerup under the stairs


Golden Gun: In corner of sloped dock / water section, near building side

Golden Bullets: On a slope in dock / water section


Find a powerup in the room with the ramps, behind some crates.

The water is shallow enough to be walked through.

In the building with a ladder to the roof, there is a gap behind the crates. You can drop down to the dock area. Use ladders, or the Q-Jet to get to roofs.

Blue Sector

Golden Gun: In lowest area, bottom of middle room, in between room with slope and corridor with slope

Golden Bullets: Just near by in room with slope


There’s a powerup on a high ledge in center room. There’s a good sniper point up there somewhere, too.


Golden Gun: One end of low central corridor

Golden Bullets: At the other end of the corridor


Use Automatics and just keep moving across the open area.