Playing with my niece Shelby

Travel Notes: Little Rock and New Jersey August 2022

UNFINISHED POST: It took me too long to finish writing this post and it languished in my Drafts for too long, so I'm publishing it now half-finished. I may add more to it later but wanted to share what I had so far because it's relevant to timing.

I usually post photos and stories from my trips on social media, but I found myself spending so much time on all the writing and curating that it seemed odd not to put them on my own site instead. No reason Zuckerberg needs to get credit for my content.

I’ve made an effort to get permission from each person I show photos or tell stories about here, but if I’ve neglected to do so and you’d like something taken down or edited, please let me know.

Arrival in Little Rock

The reason we came here was to visit Bethany’s sister and her family. We arrived in the afternoon, checked in to our hotel, and took a nap to recharge from our flight. We made dinner plans at Heights Taco & Tamale Company, where I learned of Ark-Mex food. This was the first recommendation for local food and activities that Faith and Jeff nailed, but definitely not the last. We enjoyed a few different flavors of queso dip and some wonderfully comforting American/Mexican fusion food. Jalapenos, chili, melted cheese, and raspberry margheritas all have shortcuts to my heart.

When we arrived, we were welcomed warmly. The kids had lots of questions and stories to tell. We let them drive most of our conversations, and I counted zero awkward silences. They complimented us on our outfits and hair — we stand out pretty much everywhere outside of the SF Bay and kids tend to appreciate that more than the average adult.

I learned about Marcel the Shell.

The Whites

It’d be impossible to talk about this part of my trip without gushing about the Whites.

Faith is a multi-talented ambitious mom. She reminds me of my mom when I was in my pre-teen and teen years: Exhausted, but giving every ounce for her kids and students.

Jeff multi-tasks too. I know all too well the times when one must have dinner with their work laptop open, but he does it while still keeping up with the conversations. He encourages his kids as they play Kirby’s Epic Yarn while we commiserate about remote work and corporate politics.

It’s a tired cliché to talk about parents who sacrifice and neglect themselves while taking care of everyone else around them, but if anyone I know deserves a visit from the Fab Five to give them the time, space, funds, advice, and encouragement to make their lives easier it’s them. I wish Bethany and I could just pop-in there whenever we wanted to give them some time for a date night or some extra sleep. These days do pass eventually, and things do get better. And the kids notice and appreciate how hard they’re working, just like I saw it in my parents.

The Kids

Wilder is electric. He wields the formidable combination of a seemingly endless supply of energy and bottomless hunger for attention. He loves dancing to his own beat — both literally and metaphorically. He’ll call out for everyone’s attention and then when they all turn to look he gets this deer in the headlights look like he was hoping to think of a joke to tell but nothing came to mind. Then he’d improvise something random and try to pretend like it was always the plan. He has his mom wrapped around his finger like many little boys do. It’s hilarious and endearing.

Alaska is surprisingly mature for a nine-year-old. She speaks at a calm and even pace and requests space before taking it. Whether that be space in a conversation “Can I ask you a question about being non-binary?” or physical space “Would it be okay to give you a hug?” she’s got excellent manners and respect for others. And when she asks those complex questions, she listens intently and really seems to hear the answers. I see a lot of my younger self in her, and it makes me feel extra protective of her. She’s sensitive, curious, and intuitive in ways that I am too.

She shares some of my social blind spots as well. I hope she stays in touch, and I hope she finds more friends who understand her. That helped me a lot when I was her age, and she’s at the beginning of a time when things got really difficult for me (middle and early high school).

Joy and Creativity

The whole family is a joy. Their home is warm and disorganized the way I imagine Michelangelo’s or Einstein’s homes might be if they had a nuclear family in America in the 21st century. Drawings, protest signs, and all kinds of other creative pursuits cover the walls. Quirky family heirlooms like stained glass chickens all have stories behind them.

The crescendo of seeing them as this beautiful eclectic family of artists was going to karaoke with them. Each one of them rocked their songs. Wilder danced the night away. Alaska belted out songs from different genres with the projection of a born theater kid. Jeff rocked out with a booming voice. Faith sang a wonderful duet of Somewhere Out There from An American Tale with Bethany that made me think of how badly Bethany has wanted to visit them as the pandemic kept canceling our travel plans.

The Mornings

A few weeks before our trip, Jeff shared his love for one of their local donut shops on social media and I wanted to see if they were as good as he said.

Blueberry Basil Nitro Cold Brew and Chocolate Nitro Cold Brew

Jeff also recommended Nexus Coffee, which was across the street and a few blocks down from our hotel.

Departing Little Rock

Everything went smoothly. I left the hotel 15 minutes early, dropped off the rental car, and casually strolled up to the counter to check my bag more than two hours before my flight.

Or so I thought.

The agent at the desk informed me that my flight was already boarding right then and I had to run to have any chance of making it in time. [WRITE MORE]

Arrival in New Jersey


What Will Become of Me – Adrian Piper

This heart-wrenching letter was hanging next to a display of several jars of hair and nail clippings.

Pope L.

Dear Data

One Way Ticket – Jacob Lawrence

Modjesko, Soprano Singer – Kees van Dongen

This is a depiction of an African American drag performer named Modjesko who was headlining at a music hall in Paris in 1908.

Grounds for Sculpture

Disinterested women