Category: Gaming

It has been my observation over the last several years that lawmaking and social development are extremely similar to game design. I invite you all to take a game of choice and look deeply into what we can learn from it as a society.

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Several people have weighed in with their thoughts on Final Fantasy XIII. I was one of the first ‘normal citizens’ in the U.S. to finish the game and I’ve finally come to terms with my feelings about it.

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Categories: Gaming

This post has been ported over from an archetype thread on Wizards of the Coast’s Magic: The Gathering forums that I built. Green White Tokens is an aggro deck that can take early board control, put the opponent on a very fast clock, and still recover from board sweepers quickly. In many cases, we can instrument […]

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Categories: Gaming

Xenosaga Episode 1 is a solid game. The graphics are very cool, the story is great, the character customization is deep. But the game just isn’t fun.

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Categories: Gaming