Category: Consumerism

Reviews and listicles about food, movies, TV shows, music, books, and more.

I knew what I was in for when I purchased my copy of Destiny. I didn’t pre-order it because of the massive amounts of hype that built up around it. I have been ‘burned’ out of $60 before by these hype trains and I didn’t want to invest in another Titanfall or Watch_Dogs that my […]

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I’ve been thinking about sharing some of my favorite obscure songs with my readers. This is the first installment on a series I’d like to do, so let me know what you guys think!

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Sorry for my lack of posts this past week (or more), but I’ve got all kinds of stuff going on lately.

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The modern world has made the concept of ownership a fact of life. From the moment we’re born we are indoctrinated with the ideas of what is yours and what is mine and the terrible twos are when we generally fall in love with the concept of “mine!” Some people developed further into that aspect […]

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