Category: Gaming

I knew what I was in for when I purchased my copy of Destiny. I didn’t pre-order it because of the massive amounts of hype that built up around it. I have been ‘burned’ out of $60 before by these hype trains and I didn’t want to invest in another Titanfall or Watch_Dogs that my […]

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So we’ve gotten our Guild setup and are all doing our thing now. Here’s the information for anyone who’s interested.

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Categories: Gaming

Recently, I have been assigned as the official Jungler of our League of Legends competitive team. I have always tried to be good at every aspect of the game, but specializing in the jungle has been a lot of fun lately too. I thought I’d write a little bit about how I like to jungle, so here it goes.

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Categories: Gaming

I was tired of the same old MMORPG practices of looking for groups, daily quests, and trying to manage large groups for Raids when some people don’t show up or have to leave early. I want something new and exciting to play with my friends. Then I heard about Guild Wars 2.

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Categories: GamingLife